[cheatSheet] 前端知識點
- closure (lexical environment, environment record, outer environment reference)
- event loop(microTask, macroTask, callStack)
- event delegation(e.stopPropagation vs e.preventDefault)
- let, const and var(scope, hoisting, TDZ)
- call, apply, bind(this)
- by value vs by reference
- shallow copy, deep copy
- arrow function vs normal function
- prototype
- == vs === vs Object.is()
- Map vs WeakMap
- Specificity scoring(css 優先級)
- Box model(content, padding, border, margin)
- Position(static, relative, absolute, fixed, sticky)
- rem vs em vs px
- Display(block, inline, inline-block, flex, grid)
- display:none vs visibility: hidden
- semantic element? pros/cons
- DOMContentLoaded, load, beforeunload, unload ?
- async script, defer script? Where to put
and <script>
in the HTML file ? - prefetch vs preload vs preconnect
- Data binding
- key ?
- useCallBack vs useMemo vs React.memo
- lifeCycle(mount, update, unmount)
- render, commit
- fragment ?
- synthetic event(root vs document)
- time slicing(16m/s, browser render process)
- Browser rendering(CSSOM, DOM, Render Tree, Layout, Paint), how to avoid reflow and repaint
- Browser compatibility(PostCss, Autoprefixer, browserList)
- CORS(簡單 vs 非簡單, preflight request, do we really need preflight request?, proxy, Jsonp(只支援 get))
- cookie vs session
- design pattern (ex, Container/Component pattern, Provider/Consumer pattern)
- CSR vs SSR vs SSG
- 前端登入(cookie+session, JWT, OAuth)
- http cache
- 模組化(IIFE、Common.js、ESM) pros and cons
- webpack vs vite
- npm vs yarn vs pnpm
- jpg vs png vs webp vs SVG
- Promise.all
- Promise.race
- debounce
- throttle
- Array method(Reduce, map, filter, forEach,every, some, sort )
- shallow copy
- deep copy
- memoize function
- Lodash's get()
Computer science
- http vs https
- HTTP1 vs HTTP1.1(http status 100(continue), methods(OPTIONS、PUT、PATCH、DELETE..etc)、Cache-control header)
- HTTP1.1 vs HTTP2(Request multiplexing, head-of-line blocking, header 壓縮, server push)
- TCP vs UDP