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[鐵人賽 2022-擊敗前端面試大作戰]Behavior Questions

除了技術面試題之外,很多公司在面試時還會加上 behavior questions。什麼是 behavior questions? behavior questions 是一系列的問題設計來看你對特定情境下的反應,面試者可以透過 behavior questions 來看你的回答是否符和該公司的企業文化或是徵才標準。


事情 (What)——什麼事情 場所 (Where)——什麼地點 時間 (When)——什麼時候 人員 (Who)——誰 為什麼(Why)——原因

回答 behavior questions 我個人建議可以從 5w1h 去思考,然後我發現用故事的方式來包裝成回答是很好的方式!像是What do you do to deal with unforeseen obstacles and problems?這題,我會用過去實習的經驗,先說我當時遇到什麼樣的困難,然後我是如何面對的,跟最後完成的結果,用故事的方式我也講到了 5w1h 中的 what(什麼事情)、when(什麼時候)、who(誰)跟 why(原因)!!

講完了回答的思路,下面列出我整理的一些 behavior questions 問題!

  1. How do you adjust to new tasks or a new procedure?
  2. How did you deal with conflicts within your team? Did it affect your productivity?
  3. Provide an example when you made a mistake or made a wrong decision. How did you correct it?
  4. Did you have a project that failed? Why? What could you have done better?
  5. What is the biggest project problem you have encountered so far? What were your counteractions?
  6. What's your favorite website from a UI perspective? Why?
  7. What are some things you'd improve on our company website?
  8. What can you bring to our company as a developer?
  9. How would you describe "great" code?
  10. How do you handle situations where too much is put on your plate?
  11. What are your hobbies outside of work?
  12. Why do you want to work at our company?
  13. How would your former boss describe you?
  14. Have you ever needed to say something serious, how did you do that?
  15. Did you solve any problem by communicating?
  16. Do You Prefer Working Independently or on a Team?
  17. Give an example of how you worked on a team.
  18. What do you like the most and least of your current job?
  19. How well do you handle change?
  20. Describe a time when your boss was wrong. How did you handle the situation?